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The source

A Naamika healing symbol leading you to the depth of a unrealised truma.You have been working on this characteristics for quite some time but it is as if a grain of sand is still in your eye. This is a way to settle the last bit which awaits your cleaning. Right with grace Left with bravery so you may release & transform blocked energy from the source of your root. Clearing and transforming with presence and clarity., through your dreams, understandings and basic presence this is a true gift for yourself to be your super 


Love Naamika


PriceFrom $79.00
  • Like crystals these high vibe symbols need their cleansing time. 

    We advise once a month to wash with natural running water ( or imagen so from your tap water) place 24 hr on the earth . Read more on how to cleanse in the website.

2023 All rights reserved to Naamika Spirit To Matter. Made with Love by Catila.

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